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rnv.project Schema Definition

The schema defines the following properties:

workspaceID (string)

Workspace ID your project belongs to. This will mach same folder name in the root of your user directory. ie ~/ on macOS

projectVersion (string)

Version of project

projectName (string)

Name of the project which will be used in workspace as folder name. this will also be used as part of the KEY in crypto env var generator

isTemplate (boolean)

Marks project as template. This disables certain user checks like version mismatch etc

defaults (object)

Default system config for this project

Properties of the defaults object:

ports (object)

Allows you to assign custom port per each supported platform specific to this project. this is useful if you foten switch between multiple projects and do not want to experience constant port conflicts

supportedPlatforms (array)

Array list of all supported platforms in current project

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

portOffset (number)

Offset each port default value by increment

defaultCommandSchemes (object)

List of default schemes for each rnv command. This is useful if you want to avoid specifying -s ... every time your run rnv command. bu default rnv uses -s debug. NOTE: you can only use schemes you defined in buildSchemes

targets (object)

Override of default targets specific to this project

pipes (array)

To avoid rnv building buildHooks/src every time you can specify which specific pipes should trigger recompile of buildHooks

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

crypto (object)

This prop enables automatic encrypt and decrypt of sensitive information in your project. RNV will generate new env variable with can be used to encrypt and decrypt. this env var is generated by combining (and sanitizing) 2 properties from your renative.json: workspaceID + projectName. These 2 properties are also used to generate path on your local machine where encrypted files will be decrypted into.

Properties of the crypto object:

path (string, required)

Relative path to encrypted file in your renative project. Example: "./secrets/mySecrets.enc"

isOptional (boolean)

Mark if crypto object should not checked every run

paths (object)

Define custom paths for RNV to look into

Properties of the paths object:

appConfigsDir (string)

Custom path to appConfigs. defaults to ./appConfigs

platformTemplatesDirs (object)

Custom location of ejected platform templates. this is populated after you run rnv platform eject

appConfigsDirs (array)

Array of custom location app configs directories`

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

platformAssetsDir (string)

Custom path to platformAssets folder. defaults to ./platformAssets

platformBuildsDir (string)

Custom path to platformBuilds folder. defaults to ./platformBuilds

pluginTemplates (object)

Allows you to define custom plugin template scopes. default scope for all plugins is rnv.

Properties of the pluginTemplates object:

npm (string, required)

path (string, required)

permissions (object)

Permission definititions which can be used by app configs via includedPermissions and excludedPermissions to customize permissions for each app

Properties of the permissions object:

android (object)

Android SDK specific permissions

Properties of the android object:

key (string, required)

security (string, required)

ios (object)

iOS SDK specific permissions

Properties of the ios object:

desc (string, required)

engines (object)

List of engines available in this project

enableHookRebuild (boolean)

If set to true in ./renative.json build hooks will be compiled at each rnv command run. If set to false (default) rebuild will be triggered only if dist folder is missing, -r has been passed or you run rnv hooks run directly making your rnv commands faster

extendsTemplate (string)

You can extend another renative.json file of currently applied template by providing relative or full package name path. Exampe: @rnv/template-starter/renative.json

tasks (object)

Allows to override specific task within renative toolchain. (currently only install supported). this is useful if you want to change specific behaviour of built-in task. ie install task triggers yarn/npm install by default. but that might not be desirable installation trigger

Properties of the tasks object:

install (object, required)

Properties of the install object:

script (string, required)

platform (object, required)

Properties of the platform object:

ignore (boolean, required)
ignoreTasks (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

integrations (object)

Object containing integration configurations where key represents package name

Properties of the integrations object:

env (object)

Object containing injected env variables


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code

isMonorepo (boolean)

Mark if your project is part of monorepo

monoRoot (string)

Define custom path to monorepo root where starting point is project directory


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

skipAutoUpdate (boolean)

Enables the equivalent to passing --skipDependencyCheck parameter on every rnv run so you don't have to use it

common (object)

Common config props used as default props for all available buildSchemes

Properties of the common object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

Custom description of the buildScheme will be displayed directly in cli if you run rnv with an empty paramener -s

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

enabled (boolean)

Defines whether build scheme shows up in options to run

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

platforms (object)

Object containing platform configurations

Properties of the platforms object:

android (object)

Properties of the android object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
enableAndroidX (boolean,string)

Enables new android X architecture

Default: true

enableJetifier (boolean,string)

Enables Jetifier

Default: true

signingConfig (string)

Equivalent to running ./gradlew/assembleDebug or ./gradlew/assembleRelease

Default: "Debug"

minSdkVersion (number)

Minimum Android SDK version device has to have in order for app to run

Default: 28

multipleAPKs (boolean)

If set to true, apk will be split into multiple ones for each architecture: "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"

aab (boolean)

If set to true, android project will generate app.aab instead of apk

extraGradleParams (string)

Allows passing extra params to gradle command

minifyEnabled (boolean)

Sets minifyEnabled buildType property in app/build.gradle

targetSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom targetSdkVersion equivalent to: targetSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

compileSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom compileSdkVersion equivalent to: compileSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

kotlinVersion (string)

Allows you define custom kotlin version

Default: "1.7.10"

ndkVersion (string)

Allows you define custom ndkVersion equivalent to: ndkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

supportLibVersion (string)

Allows you define custom supportLibVersion equivalent to: supportLibVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

googleServicesVersion (string)

Allows you define custom googleServicesVersion equivalent to: googleServicesVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

gradleBuildToolsVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle build tools version equivalent to: classpath '[VERSION]'

gradleWrapperVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle wrapper version equivalent to: distributionUrl=https\://[VERSION]

excludedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by exclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by inclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildToolsVersion (string)

Override android build tools version

Default: "34.0.0"

disableSigning (boolean)
storeFile (string)

Name of the store file in android project

keyAlias (string)

Key alias of the store file in android project

newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new arch for android. Default: false

flipperEnabled (boolean)

Enables flipper for ios. Default: true

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateAndroid (object)

Properties of the templateAndroid object:

gradle_properties (object)

Overrides values in file of generated android based project

build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the build_gradle object:

plugins (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildscript (object)

Properties of the buildscript object:

repositories (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

dependencies (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

ext (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

custom (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

injectAfterAll (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

app_build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in app/build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the app_build_gradle object:

apply (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

defaultConfig (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildTypes (object)

Properties of the buildTypes object:

debug (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

release (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

afterEvaluate (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementations (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementation (string)

AndroidManifest_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate AndroidManifest.xml via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in AndroidManifest.xml file of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and android:name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the AndroidManifest_xml object:

tag (string, required)

package (string)

xmlns:android (string)

xmlns:tools (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

android:name (string)

android:theme (string)


android:required (boolean)

android:allowBackup (boolean)

android:largeHeap (boolean)

android:label (string)

android:icon (string)

android:roundIcon (string)

android:banner (string)

tools:replace (string)

android:supportsRtl (boolean)

tools:targetApi (number)

android:usesCleartextTraffic (boolean)

android:appComponentFactory (string)

android:screenOrientation (string)

android:noHistory (boolean)

android:launchMode (string)

android:exported (boolean)

android:configChanges (string)

android:windowSoftInputMode (string)

children (array)

strings_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the strings_xml object:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

styles_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the styles_xml object:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

colors_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the colors_xml object:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

MainApplication_kt (object)

Allows you to configure behaviour of MainActivity

Properties of the MainApplication_kt object:

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packages (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packageParams (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

MainActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the MainActivity_kt object:

onCreate (string)

Overrides super.onCreate method handler of MainActivity.kt

Default: "super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)"

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resultMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

SplashActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the SplashActivity_kt object:

settings_gradle (object)

Properties of the settings_gradle object:

include (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

gradle_wrapper_properties (object)

Properties of the gradle_wrapper_properties object:

proguard_rules_pro (object)

Properties of the proguard_rules_pro object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

enableAndroidX (boolean,string)

Enables new android X architecture

Default: true

enableJetifier (boolean,string)

Enables Jetifier

Default: true

signingConfig (string)

Equivalent to running ./gradlew/assembleDebug or ./gradlew/assembleRelease

Default: "Debug"

minSdkVersion (number)

Minimum Android SDK version device has to have in order for app to run

Default: 28

multipleAPKs (boolean)

If set to true, apk will be split into multiple ones for each architecture: "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"

aab (boolean)

If set to true, android project will generate app.aab instead of apk

extraGradleParams (string)

Allows passing extra params to gradle command

minifyEnabled (boolean)

Sets minifyEnabled buildType property in app/build.gradle

targetSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom targetSdkVersion equivalent to: targetSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

compileSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom compileSdkVersion equivalent to: compileSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

kotlinVersion (string)

Allows you define custom kotlin version

Default: "1.7.10"

ndkVersion (string)

Allows you define custom ndkVersion equivalent to: ndkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

supportLibVersion (string)

Allows you define custom supportLibVersion equivalent to: supportLibVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

googleServicesVersion (string)

Allows you define custom googleServicesVersion equivalent to: googleServicesVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

gradleBuildToolsVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle build tools version equivalent to: classpath '[VERSION]'

gradleWrapperVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle wrapper version equivalent to: distributionUrl=https\://[VERSION]

excludedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by exclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by inclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildToolsVersion (string)

Override android build tools version

Default: "34.0.0"

disableSigning (boolean)

storeFile (string)

Name of the store file in android project

keyAlias (string)

Key alias of the store file in android project

newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new arch for android. Default: false

flipperEnabled (boolean)

Enables flipper for ios. Default: true

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateAndroid (object)

Properties of the templateAndroid object:

gradle_properties (object)

Overrides values in file of generated android based project

build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the build_gradle object:

plugins (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildscript (object)

Properties of the buildscript object:

repositories (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

dependencies (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

ext (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

custom (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

injectAfterAll (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

app_build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in app/build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the app_build_gradle object:

apply (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

defaultConfig (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildTypes (object)

Properties of the buildTypes object:

debug (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

release (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

afterEvaluate (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementations (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementation (string)
AndroidManifest_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate AndroidManifest.xml via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in AndroidManifest.xml file of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and android:name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the AndroidManifest_xml object:

tag (string, required)
package (string)
xmlns:android (string)
xmlns:tools (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

android:name (string)

android:theme (string)


android:required (boolean)

android:allowBackup (boolean)

android:largeHeap (boolean)

android:label (string)

android:icon (string)

android:roundIcon (string)

android:banner (string)

tools:replace (string)

android:supportsRtl (boolean)

tools:targetApi (number)

android:usesCleartextTraffic (boolean)

android:appComponentFactory (string)

android:screenOrientation (string)

android:noHistory (boolean)

android:launchMode (string)

android:exported (boolean)

android:configChanges (string)

android:windowSoftInputMode (string)

children (array)

strings_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the strings_xml object:

tag (string, required)
name (string)
parent (string)
value (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

styles_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the styles_xml object:

tag (string, required)
name (string)
parent (string)
value (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

colors_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the colors_xml object:

tag (string, required)
name (string)
parent (string)
value (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

MainApplication_kt (object)

Allows you to configure behaviour of MainActivity

Properties of the MainApplication_kt object:

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packages (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packageParams (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

MainActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the MainActivity_kt object:

onCreate (string)

Overrides super.onCreate method handler of MainActivity.kt

Default: "super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)"

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resultMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

SplashActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the SplashActivity_kt object:

settings_gradle (object)

Properties of the settings_gradle object:

include (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

gradle_wrapper_properties (object)

Properties of the gradle_wrapper_properties object:

proguard_rules_pro (object)

Properties of the proguard_rules_pro object:

androidtv (object)

Properties of the androidtv object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
enableAndroidX (boolean,string)

Enables new android X architecture

Default: true

enableJetifier (boolean,string)

Enables Jetifier

Default: true

signingConfig (string)

Equivalent to running ./gradlew/assembleDebug or ./gradlew/assembleRelease

Default: "Debug"

minSdkVersion (number)

Minimum Android SDK version device has to have in order for app to run

Default: 28

multipleAPKs (boolean)

If set to true, apk will be split into multiple ones for each architecture: "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"

aab (boolean)

If set to true, android project will generate app.aab instead of apk

extraGradleParams (string)

Allows passing extra params to gradle command

minifyEnabled (boolean)

Sets minifyEnabled buildType property in app/build.gradle

targetSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom targetSdkVersion equivalent to: targetSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

compileSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom compileSdkVersion equivalent to: compileSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

kotlinVersion (string)

Allows you define custom kotlin version

Default: "1.7.10"

ndkVersion (string)

Allows you define custom ndkVersion equivalent to: ndkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

supportLibVersion (string)

Allows you define custom supportLibVersion equivalent to: supportLibVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

googleServicesVersion (string)

Allows you define custom googleServicesVersion equivalent to: googleServicesVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

gradleBuildToolsVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle build tools version equivalent to: classpath '[VERSION]'

gradleWrapperVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle wrapper version equivalent to: distributionUrl=https\://[VERSION]

excludedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by exclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by inclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildToolsVersion (string)

Override android build tools version

Default: "34.0.0"

disableSigning (boolean)
storeFile (string)

Name of the store file in android project

keyAlias (string)

Key alias of the store file in android project

newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new arch for android. Default: false

flipperEnabled (boolean)

Enables flipper for ios. Default: true

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateAndroid (object)

Properties of the templateAndroid object:

gradle_properties (object)

Overrides values in file of generated android based project

build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the build_gradle object:

plugins (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildscript (object)

Properties of the buildscript object:

repositories (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

dependencies (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

ext (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

custom (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

injectAfterAll (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

app_build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in app/build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the app_build_gradle object:

apply (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

defaultConfig (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildTypes (object)

Properties of the buildTypes object:

debug (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

release (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

afterEvaluate (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementations (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementation (string)

AndroidManifest_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate AndroidManifest.xml via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in AndroidManifest.xml file of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and android:name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the AndroidManifest_xml object:

tag (string, required)

package (string)

xmlns:android (string)

xmlns:tools (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

android:name (string)

android:theme (string)


android:required (boolean)

android:allowBackup (boolean)

android:largeHeap (boolean)

android:label (string)

android:icon (string)

android:roundIcon (string)

android:banner (string)

tools:replace (string)

android:supportsRtl (boolean)

tools:targetApi (number)

android:usesCleartextTraffic (boolean)

android:appComponentFactory (string)

android:screenOrientation (string)

android:noHistory (boolean)

android:launchMode (string)

android:exported (boolean)

android:configChanges (string)

android:windowSoftInputMode (string)

children (array)

strings_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the strings_xml object:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

styles_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the styles_xml object:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

colors_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the colors_xml object:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

MainApplication_kt (object)

Allows you to configure behaviour of MainActivity

Properties of the MainApplication_kt object:

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packages (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packageParams (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

MainActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the MainActivity_kt object:

onCreate (string)

Overrides super.onCreate method handler of MainActivity.kt

Default: "super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)"

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resultMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

SplashActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the SplashActivity_kt object:

settings_gradle (object)

Properties of the settings_gradle object:

include (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

gradle_wrapper_properties (object)

Properties of the gradle_wrapper_properties object:

proguard_rules_pro (object)

Properties of the proguard_rules_pro object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

enableAndroidX (boolean,string)

Enables new android X architecture

Default: true

enableJetifier (boolean,string)

Enables Jetifier

Default: true

signingConfig (string)

Equivalent to running ./gradlew/assembleDebug or ./gradlew/assembleRelease

Default: "Debug"

minSdkVersion (number)

Minimum Android SDK version device has to have in order for app to run

Default: 28

multipleAPKs (boolean)

If set to true, apk will be split into multiple ones for each architecture: "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"

aab (boolean)

If set to true, android project will generate app.aab instead of apk

extraGradleParams (string)

Allows passing extra params to gradle command

minifyEnabled (boolean)

Sets minifyEnabled buildType property in app/build.gradle

targetSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom targetSdkVersion equivalent to: targetSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

compileSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom compileSdkVersion equivalent to: compileSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

kotlinVersion (string)

Allows you define custom kotlin version

Default: "1.7.10"

ndkVersion (string)

Allows you define custom ndkVersion equivalent to: ndkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

supportLibVersion (string)

Allows you define custom supportLibVersion equivalent to: supportLibVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

googleServicesVersion (string)

Allows you define custom googleServicesVersion equivalent to: googleServicesVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

gradleBuildToolsVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle build tools version equivalent to: classpath '[VERSION]'

gradleWrapperVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle wrapper version equivalent to: distributionUrl=https\://[VERSION]

excludedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by exclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by inclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildToolsVersion (string)

Override android build tools version

Default: "34.0.0"

disableSigning (boolean)

storeFile (string)

Name of the store file in android project

keyAlias (string)

Key alias of the store file in android project

newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new arch for android. Default: false

flipperEnabled (boolean)

Enables flipper for ios. Default: true

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateAndroid (object)

Properties of the templateAndroid object:

gradle_properties (object)

Overrides values in file of generated android based project

build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the build_gradle object:

plugins (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildscript (object)

Properties of the buildscript object:

repositories (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

dependencies (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

ext (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

custom (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

injectAfterAll (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

app_build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in app/build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the app_build_gradle object:

apply (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

defaultConfig (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildTypes (object)

Properties of the buildTypes object:

debug (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

release (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

afterEvaluate (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementations (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementation (string)
AndroidManifest_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate AndroidManifest.xml via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in AndroidManifest.xml file of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and android:name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the AndroidManifest_xml object:

tag (string, required)
package (string)
xmlns:android (string)
xmlns:tools (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

android:name (string)

android:theme (string)


android:required (boolean)

android:allowBackup (boolean)

android:largeHeap (boolean)

android:label (string)

android:icon (string)

android:roundIcon (string)

android:banner (string)

tools:replace (string)

android:supportsRtl (boolean)

tools:targetApi (number)

android:usesCleartextTraffic (boolean)

android:appComponentFactory (string)

android:screenOrientation (string)

android:noHistory (boolean)

android:launchMode (string)

android:exported (boolean)

android:configChanges (string)

android:windowSoftInputMode (string)

children (array)

strings_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the strings_xml object:

tag (string, required)
name (string)
parent (string)
value (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

styles_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the styles_xml object:

tag (string, required)
name (string)
parent (string)
value (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

colors_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the colors_xml object:

tag (string, required)
name (string)
parent (string)
value (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

MainApplication_kt (object)

Allows you to configure behaviour of MainActivity

Properties of the MainApplication_kt object:

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packages (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packageParams (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

MainActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the MainActivity_kt object:

onCreate (string)

Overrides super.onCreate method handler of MainActivity.kt

Default: "super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)"

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resultMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

SplashActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the SplashActivity_kt object:

settings_gradle (object)

Properties of the settings_gradle object:

include (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

gradle_wrapper_properties (object)

Properties of the gradle_wrapper_properties object:

proguard_rules_pro (object)

Properties of the proguard_rules_pro object:

androidwear (object)

Properties of the androidwear object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
enableAndroidX (boolean,string)

Enables new android X architecture

Default: true

enableJetifier (boolean,string)

Enables Jetifier

Default: true

signingConfig (string)

Equivalent to running ./gradlew/assembleDebug or ./gradlew/assembleRelease

Default: "Debug"

minSdkVersion (number)

Minimum Android SDK version device has to have in order for app to run

Default: 28

multipleAPKs (boolean)

If set to true, apk will be split into multiple ones for each architecture: "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"

aab (boolean)

If set to true, android project will generate app.aab instead of apk

extraGradleParams (string)

Allows passing extra params to gradle command

minifyEnabled (boolean)

Sets minifyEnabled buildType property in app/build.gradle

targetSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom targetSdkVersion equivalent to: targetSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

compileSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom compileSdkVersion equivalent to: compileSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

kotlinVersion (string)

Allows you define custom kotlin version

Default: "1.7.10"

ndkVersion (string)

Allows you define custom ndkVersion equivalent to: ndkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

supportLibVersion (string)

Allows you define custom supportLibVersion equivalent to: supportLibVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

googleServicesVersion (string)

Allows you define custom googleServicesVersion equivalent to: googleServicesVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

gradleBuildToolsVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle build tools version equivalent to: classpath '[VERSION]'

gradleWrapperVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle wrapper version equivalent to: distributionUrl=https\://[VERSION]

excludedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by exclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by inclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildToolsVersion (string)

Override android build tools version

Default: "34.0.0"

disableSigning (boolean)
storeFile (string)

Name of the store file in android project

keyAlias (string)

Key alias of the store file in android project

newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new arch for android. Default: false

flipperEnabled (boolean)

Enables flipper for ios. Default: true

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateAndroid (object)

Properties of the templateAndroid object:

gradle_properties (object)

Overrides values in file of generated android based project

build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the build_gradle object:

plugins (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildscript (object)

Properties of the buildscript object:

repositories (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

dependencies (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

ext (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

custom (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

injectAfterAll (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

app_build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in app/build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the app_build_gradle object:

apply (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

defaultConfig (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildTypes (object)

Properties of the buildTypes object:

debug (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

release (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

afterEvaluate (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementations (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementation (string)

AndroidManifest_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate AndroidManifest.xml via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in AndroidManifest.xml file of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and android:name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the AndroidManifest_xml object:

tag (string, required)

package (string)

xmlns:android (string)

xmlns:tools (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

android:name (string)

android:theme (string)


android:required (boolean)

android:allowBackup (boolean)

android:largeHeap (boolean)

android:label (string)

android:icon (string)

android:roundIcon (string)

android:banner (string)

tools:replace (string)

android:supportsRtl (boolean)

tools:targetApi (number)

android:usesCleartextTraffic (boolean)

android:appComponentFactory (string)

android:screenOrientation (string)

android:noHistory (boolean)

android:launchMode (string)

android:exported (boolean)

android:configChanges (string)

android:windowSoftInputMode (string)

children (array)

strings_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the strings_xml object:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

styles_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the styles_xml object:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

colors_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the colors_xml object:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

MainApplication_kt (object)

Allows you to configure behaviour of MainActivity

Properties of the MainApplication_kt object:

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packages (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packageParams (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

MainActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the MainActivity_kt object:

onCreate (string)

Overrides super.onCreate method handler of MainActivity.kt

Default: "super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)"

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resultMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

SplashActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the SplashActivity_kt object:

settings_gradle (object)

Properties of the settings_gradle object:

include (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

gradle_wrapper_properties (object)

Properties of the gradle_wrapper_properties object:

proguard_rules_pro (object)

Properties of the proguard_rules_pro object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

enableAndroidX (boolean,string)

Enables new android X architecture

Default: true

enableJetifier (boolean,string)

Enables Jetifier

Default: true

signingConfig (string)

Equivalent to running ./gradlew/assembleDebug or ./gradlew/assembleRelease

Default: "Debug"

minSdkVersion (number)

Minimum Android SDK version device has to have in order for app to run

Default: 28

multipleAPKs (boolean)

If set to true, apk will be split into multiple ones for each architecture: "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"

aab (boolean)

If set to true, android project will generate app.aab instead of apk

extraGradleParams (string)

Allows passing extra params to gradle command

minifyEnabled (boolean)

Sets minifyEnabled buildType property in app/build.gradle

targetSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom targetSdkVersion equivalent to: targetSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

compileSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom compileSdkVersion equivalent to: compileSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

kotlinVersion (string)

Allows you define custom kotlin version

Default: "1.7.10"

ndkVersion (string)

Allows you define custom ndkVersion equivalent to: ndkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

supportLibVersion (string)

Allows you define custom supportLibVersion equivalent to: supportLibVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

googleServicesVersion (string)

Allows you define custom googleServicesVersion equivalent to: googleServicesVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

gradleBuildToolsVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle build tools version equivalent to: classpath '[VERSION]'

gradleWrapperVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle wrapper version equivalent to: distributionUrl=https\://[VERSION]

excludedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by exclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by inclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildToolsVersion (string)

Override android build tools version

Default: "34.0.0"

disableSigning (boolean)

storeFile (string)

Name of the store file in android project

keyAlias (string)

Key alias of the store file in android project

newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new arch for android. Default: false

flipperEnabled (boolean)

Enables flipper for ios. Default: true

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateAndroid (object)

Properties of the templateAndroid object:

gradle_properties (object)

Overrides values in file of generated android based project

build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the build_gradle object:

plugins (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildscript (object)

Properties of the buildscript object:

repositories (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

dependencies (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

ext (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

custom (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

injectAfterAll (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

app_build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in app/build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the app_build_gradle object:

apply (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

defaultConfig (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildTypes (object)

Properties of the buildTypes object:

debug (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

release (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

afterEvaluate (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementations (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementation (string)
AndroidManifest_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate AndroidManifest.xml via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in AndroidManifest.xml file of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and android:name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the AndroidManifest_xml object:

tag (string, required)
package (string)
xmlns:android (string)
xmlns:tools (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

android:name (string)

android:theme (string)


android:required (boolean)

android:allowBackup (boolean)

android:largeHeap (boolean)

android:label (string)

android:icon (string)

android:roundIcon (string)

android:banner (string)

tools:replace (string)

android:supportsRtl (boolean)

tools:targetApi (number)

android:usesCleartextTraffic (boolean)

android:appComponentFactory (string)

android:screenOrientation (string)

android:noHistory (boolean)

android:launchMode (string)

android:exported (boolean)

android:configChanges (string)

android:windowSoftInputMode (string)

children (array)

strings_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the strings_xml object:

tag (string, required)
name (string)
parent (string)
value (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

styles_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the styles_xml object:

tag (string, required)
name (string)
parent (string)
value (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

colors_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the colors_xml object:

tag (string, required)
name (string)
parent (string)
value (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

MainApplication_kt (object)

Allows you to configure behaviour of MainActivity

Properties of the MainApplication_kt object:

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packages (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packageParams (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

MainActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the MainActivity_kt object:

onCreate (string)

Overrides super.onCreate method handler of MainActivity.kt

Default: "super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)"

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resultMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

SplashActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the SplashActivity_kt object:

settings_gradle (object)

Properties of the settings_gradle object:

include (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

gradle_wrapper_properties (object)

Properties of the gradle_wrapper_properties object:

proguard_rules_pro (object)

Properties of the proguard_rules_pro object:

firetv (object)

Properties of the firetv object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
enableAndroidX (boolean,string)

Enables new android X architecture

Default: true

enableJetifier (boolean,string)

Enables Jetifier

Default: true

signingConfig (string)

Equivalent to running ./gradlew/assembleDebug or ./gradlew/assembleRelease

Default: "Debug"

minSdkVersion (number)

Minimum Android SDK version device has to have in order for app to run

Default: 28

multipleAPKs (boolean)

If set to true, apk will be split into multiple ones for each architecture: "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"

aab (boolean)

If set to true, android project will generate app.aab instead of apk

extraGradleParams (string)

Allows passing extra params to gradle command

minifyEnabled (boolean)

Sets minifyEnabled buildType property in app/build.gradle

targetSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom targetSdkVersion equivalent to: targetSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

compileSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom compileSdkVersion equivalent to: compileSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

kotlinVersion (string)

Allows you define custom kotlin version

Default: "1.7.10"

ndkVersion (string)

Allows you define custom ndkVersion equivalent to: ndkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

supportLibVersion (string)

Allows you define custom supportLibVersion equivalent to: supportLibVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

googleServicesVersion (string)

Allows you define custom googleServicesVersion equivalent to: googleServicesVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

gradleBuildToolsVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle build tools version equivalent to: classpath '[VERSION]'

gradleWrapperVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle wrapper version equivalent to: distributionUrl=https\://[VERSION]

excludedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by exclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by inclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildToolsVersion (string)

Override android build tools version

Default: "34.0.0"

disableSigning (boolean)
storeFile (string)

Name of the store file in android project

keyAlias (string)

Key alias of the store file in android project

newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new arch for android. Default: false

flipperEnabled (boolean)

Enables flipper for ios. Default: true

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateAndroid (object)

Properties of the templateAndroid object:

gradle_properties (object)

Overrides values in file of generated android based project

build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the build_gradle object:

plugins (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildscript (object)

Properties of the buildscript object:

repositories (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

dependencies (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

ext (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

custom (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

injectAfterAll (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

app_build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in app/build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the app_build_gradle object:

apply (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

defaultConfig (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildTypes (object)

Properties of the buildTypes object:

debug (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

release (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

afterEvaluate (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementations (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementation (string)

AndroidManifest_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate AndroidManifest.xml via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in AndroidManifest.xml file of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and android:name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the AndroidManifest_xml object:

tag (string, required)

package (string)

xmlns:android (string)

xmlns:tools (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

android:name (string)

android:theme (string)


android:required (boolean)

android:allowBackup (boolean)

android:largeHeap (boolean)

android:label (string)

android:icon (string)

android:roundIcon (string)

android:banner (string)

tools:replace (string)

android:supportsRtl (boolean)

tools:targetApi (number)

android:usesCleartextTraffic (boolean)

android:appComponentFactory (string)

android:screenOrientation (string)

android:noHistory (boolean)

android:launchMode (string)

android:exported (boolean)

android:configChanges (string)

android:windowSoftInputMode (string)

children (array)

strings_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the strings_xml object:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

styles_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the styles_xml object:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

colors_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the colors_xml object:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

MainApplication_kt (object)

Allows you to configure behaviour of MainActivity

Properties of the MainApplication_kt object:

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packages (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packageParams (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

MainActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the MainActivity_kt object:

onCreate (string)

Overrides super.onCreate method handler of MainActivity.kt

Default: "super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)"

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resultMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

SplashActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the SplashActivity_kt object:

settings_gradle (object)

Properties of the settings_gradle object:

include (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

gradle_wrapper_properties (object)

Properties of the gradle_wrapper_properties object:

proguard_rules_pro (object)

Properties of the proguard_rules_pro object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

enableAndroidX (boolean,string)

Enables new android X architecture

Default: true

enableJetifier (boolean,string)

Enables Jetifier

Default: true

signingConfig (string)

Equivalent to running ./gradlew/assembleDebug or ./gradlew/assembleRelease

Default: "Debug"

minSdkVersion (number)

Minimum Android SDK version device has to have in order for app to run

Default: 28

multipleAPKs (boolean)

If set to true, apk will be split into multiple ones for each architecture: "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"

aab (boolean)

If set to true, android project will generate app.aab instead of apk

extraGradleParams (string)

Allows passing extra params to gradle command

minifyEnabled (boolean)

Sets minifyEnabled buildType property in app/build.gradle

targetSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom targetSdkVersion equivalent to: targetSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

compileSdkVersion (number)

Allows you define custom compileSdkVersion equivalent to: compileSdkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

kotlinVersion (string)

Allows you define custom kotlin version

Default: "1.7.10"

ndkVersion (string)

Allows you define custom ndkVersion equivalent to: ndkVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

supportLibVersion (string)

Allows you define custom supportLibVersion equivalent to: supportLibVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

googleServicesVersion (string)

Allows you define custom googleServicesVersion equivalent to: googleServicesVersion = [VERSION] in build.gradle

gradleBuildToolsVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle build tools version equivalent to: classpath '[VERSION]'

gradleWrapperVersion (string)

Allows you define custom gradle wrapper version equivalent to: distributionUrl=https\://[VERSION]

excludedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by exclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedFeatures (array)

Override features definitions in AndroidManifest.xml by inclusion

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildToolsVersion (string)

Override android build tools version

Default: "34.0.0"

disableSigning (boolean)

storeFile (string)

Name of the store file in android project

keyAlias (string)

Key alias of the store file in android project

newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new arch for android. Default: false

flipperEnabled (boolean)

Enables flipper for ios. Default: true

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateAndroid (object)

Properties of the templateAndroid object:

gradle_properties (object)

Overrides values in file of generated android based project

build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the build_gradle object:

plugins (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildscript (object)

Properties of the buildscript object:

repositories (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

dependencies (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

ext (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

custom (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

injectAfterAll (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

app_build_gradle (object)

Overrides values in app/build.gradle file of generated android based project

Properties of the app_build_gradle object:

apply (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

defaultConfig (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildTypes (object)

Properties of the buildTypes object:

debug (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

release (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

afterEvaluate (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementations (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

implementation (string)
AndroidManifest_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate AndroidManifest.xml via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in AndroidManifest.xml file of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and android:name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the AndroidManifest_xml object:

tag (string, required)
package (string)
xmlns:android (string)
xmlns:tools (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

android:name (string)

android:theme (string)


android:required (boolean)

android:allowBackup (boolean)

android:largeHeap (boolean)

android:label (string)

android:icon (string)

android:roundIcon (string)

android:banner (string)

tools:replace (string)

android:supportsRtl (boolean)

tools:targetApi (number)

android:usesCleartextTraffic (boolean)

android:appComponentFactory (string)

android:screenOrientation (string)

android:noHistory (boolean)

android:launchMode (string)

android:exported (boolean)

android:configChanges (string)

android:windowSoftInputMode (string)

children (array)

strings_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the strings_xml object:

tag (string, required)
name (string)
parent (string)
value (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

styles_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the styles_xml object:

tag (string, required)
name (string)
parent (string)
value (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

colors_xml (object)

Allows you to directly manipulate res/values files via json override mechanism Injects / Overrides values in res/values files of generated android based project

IMPORTANT: always ensure that your object contains tag and name to target correct tag to merge into

Properties of the colors_xml object:

tag (string, required)
name (string)
parent (string)
value (string)
children (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

tag (string, required)

name (string)

parent (string)

value (string)

children (array)

MainApplication_kt (object)

Allows you to configure behaviour of MainActivity

Properties of the MainApplication_kt object:

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packages (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

packageParams (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

MainActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the MainActivity_kt object:

onCreate (string)

Overrides super.onCreate method handler of MainActivity.kt

Default: "super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)"

imports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

methods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

createMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resultMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

SplashActivity_kt (object)

Properties of the SplashActivity_kt object:

settings_gradle (object)

Properties of the settings_gradle object:

include (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

gradle_wrapper_properties (object)

Properties of the gradle_wrapper_properties object:

proguard_rules_pro (object)

Properties of the proguard_rules_pro object:

ios (object)

Properties of the ios object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
ignoreWarnings (boolean)

Injects inhibit_all_warnings into Podfile

ignoreLogs (boolean)

Passes -quiet to xcodebuild command

deploymentTarget (string)

Deployment target for xcodepoj

orientationSupport (object)

Properties of the orientationSupport object:

phone (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

tab (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

teamID (string)

Apple teamID

excludedArchs (array)

Defines excluded architectures. This transforms to xcodeproj: EXCLUDED_ARCHS="<VAL VAL ...>"

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

urlScheme (string)

URL Scheme for the app used for deeplinking

teamIdentifier (string)

Apple developer team ID

scheme (string)
schemeTarget (string)
appleId (string)
provisioningStyle (string)
newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new archs for iOS. Default: false

codeSignIdentity (string)

Special property which tells Xcode how to build your project

commandLineArguments (array)

Allows you to pass launch arguments to active scheme

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

provisionProfileSpecifier (string)
provisionProfileSpecifiers (object)
allowProvisioningUpdates (boolean)
provisioningProfiles (object)
codeSignIdentities (object)
systemCapabilities (object)
entitlements (object)
runScheme (string)
sdk (string)
testFlightId (string)
firebaseId (string)
privacyManifests (object)

Properties of the privacyManifests object:

NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType (string, enum, required)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategorySystemBootTime
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryActiveKeyboards
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults

NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

exportOptions (object)

Properties of the exportOptions object:

method (string)
teamID (string)
uploadBitcode (boolean)
compileBitcode (boolean)
uploadSymbols (boolean)
signingStyle (string)
signingCertificate (string)
provisioningProfiles (object)
reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateXcode (object)

Allows to configure xcode project

Properties of the templateXcode object:

Podfile (object)

Allows to manipulate Podfile

Properties of the Podfile object:

injectLines (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

post_install (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

sources (array)

Array of URLs that will be injected on top of the Podfile as sources

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

podDependencies (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

staticPods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

header (array)

Array of strings that will be injected on top of the Podfile

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project_pbxproj (object)

Properties of the project_pbxproj object:

sourceFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resourceFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

headerFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildPhases (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

shellPath (string, required)

shellScript (string, required)

inputPaths (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

frameworks (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildSettings (object)

AppDelegate_mm (object)

Properties of the AppDelegate_mm object:

appDelegateMethods (object)

Properties of the appDelegateMethods object:

application (object)

Properties of the application object:

didFinishLaunchingWithOptions (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

applicationDidBecomeActive (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

open (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceiveRemoteNotification (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceive (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didRegister (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

continue (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didConnectCarInterfaceController (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didDisconnectCarInterfaceController (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

userNotificationCenter (object)

Properties of the userNotificationCenter object:

willPresent (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceiveNotificationResponse (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

custom (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateImports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

AppDelegate_h (object)

Properties of the AppDelegate_h object:

appDelegateImports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateExtensions (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

Info_plist (object)

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

ignoreWarnings (boolean)

Injects inhibit_all_warnings into Podfile

ignoreLogs (boolean)

Passes -quiet to xcodebuild command

deploymentTarget (string)

Deployment target for xcodepoj

orientationSupport (object)

Properties of the orientationSupport object:

phone (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

tab (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

teamID (string)

Apple teamID

excludedArchs (array)

Defines excluded architectures. This transforms to xcodeproj: EXCLUDED_ARCHS="<VAL VAL ...>"

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

urlScheme (string)

URL Scheme for the app used for deeplinking

teamIdentifier (string)

Apple developer team ID

scheme (string)

schemeTarget (string)

appleId (string)

provisioningStyle (string)

newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new archs for iOS. Default: false

codeSignIdentity (string)

Special property which tells Xcode how to build your project

commandLineArguments (array)

Allows you to pass launch arguments to active scheme

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

provisionProfileSpecifier (string)

provisionProfileSpecifiers (object)

allowProvisioningUpdates (boolean)

provisioningProfiles (object)

codeSignIdentities (object)

systemCapabilities (object)

entitlements (object)

runScheme (string)

sdk (string)

testFlightId (string)

firebaseId (string)

privacyManifests (object)

Properties of the privacyManifests object:

NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType (string, enum, required)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategorySystemBootTime
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryActiveKeyboards
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults
NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

exportOptions (object)

Properties of the exportOptions object:

method (string)
teamID (string)
uploadBitcode (boolean)
compileBitcode (boolean)
uploadSymbols (boolean)
signingStyle (string)
signingCertificate (string)
provisioningProfiles (object)

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateXcode (object)

Allows to configure xcode project

Properties of the templateXcode object:

Podfile (object)

Allows to manipulate Podfile

Properties of the Podfile object:

injectLines (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

post_install (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

sources (array)

Array of URLs that will be injected on top of the Podfile as sources

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

podDependencies (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

staticPods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

header (array)

Array of strings that will be injected on top of the Podfile

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project_pbxproj (object)

Properties of the project_pbxproj object:

sourceFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resourceFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

headerFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildPhases (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

shellPath (string, required)

shellScript (string, required)

inputPaths (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

frameworks (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildSettings (object)
AppDelegate_mm (object)

Properties of the AppDelegate_mm object:

appDelegateMethods (object)

Properties of the appDelegateMethods object:

application (object)

Properties of the application object:

didFinishLaunchingWithOptions (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

applicationDidBecomeActive (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

open (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceiveRemoteNotification (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceive (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didRegister (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

continue (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didConnectCarInterfaceController (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didDisconnectCarInterfaceController (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

userNotificationCenter (object)

Properties of the userNotificationCenter object:

willPresent (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceiveNotificationResponse (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

custom (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateImports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

AppDelegate_h (object)

Properties of the AppDelegate_h object:

appDelegateImports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateExtensions (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

Info_plist (object)

tvos (object)

Properties of the tvos object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
ignoreWarnings (boolean)

Injects inhibit_all_warnings into Podfile

ignoreLogs (boolean)

Passes -quiet to xcodebuild command

deploymentTarget (string)

Deployment target for xcodepoj

orientationSupport (object)

Properties of the orientationSupport object:

phone (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

tab (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

teamID (string)

Apple teamID

excludedArchs (array)

Defines excluded architectures. This transforms to xcodeproj: EXCLUDED_ARCHS="<VAL VAL ...>"

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

urlScheme (string)

URL Scheme for the app used for deeplinking

teamIdentifier (string)

Apple developer team ID

scheme (string)
schemeTarget (string)
appleId (string)
provisioningStyle (string)
newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new archs for iOS. Default: false

codeSignIdentity (string)

Special property which tells Xcode how to build your project

commandLineArguments (array)

Allows you to pass launch arguments to active scheme

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

provisionProfileSpecifier (string)
provisionProfileSpecifiers (object)
allowProvisioningUpdates (boolean)
provisioningProfiles (object)
codeSignIdentities (object)
systemCapabilities (object)
entitlements (object)
runScheme (string)
sdk (string)
testFlightId (string)
firebaseId (string)
privacyManifests (object)

Properties of the privacyManifests object:

NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType (string, enum, required)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategorySystemBootTime
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryActiveKeyboards
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults

NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

exportOptions (object)

Properties of the exportOptions object:

method (string)
teamID (string)
uploadBitcode (boolean)
compileBitcode (boolean)
uploadSymbols (boolean)
signingStyle (string)
signingCertificate (string)
provisioningProfiles (object)
reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateXcode (object)

Allows to configure xcode project

Properties of the templateXcode object:

Podfile (object)

Allows to manipulate Podfile

Properties of the Podfile object:

injectLines (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

post_install (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

sources (array)

Array of URLs that will be injected on top of the Podfile as sources

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

podDependencies (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

staticPods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

header (array)

Array of strings that will be injected on top of the Podfile

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project_pbxproj (object)

Properties of the project_pbxproj object:

sourceFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resourceFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

headerFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildPhases (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

shellPath (string, required)

shellScript (string, required)

inputPaths (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

frameworks (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildSettings (object)

AppDelegate_mm (object)

Properties of the AppDelegate_mm object:

appDelegateMethods (object)

Properties of the appDelegateMethods object:

application (object)

Properties of the application object:

didFinishLaunchingWithOptions (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

applicationDidBecomeActive (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

open (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceiveRemoteNotification (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceive (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didRegister (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

continue (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didConnectCarInterfaceController (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didDisconnectCarInterfaceController (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

userNotificationCenter (object)

Properties of the userNotificationCenter object:

willPresent (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceiveNotificationResponse (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

custom (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateImports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

AppDelegate_h (object)

Properties of the AppDelegate_h object:

appDelegateImports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateExtensions (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

Info_plist (object)

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

ignoreWarnings (boolean)

Injects inhibit_all_warnings into Podfile

ignoreLogs (boolean)

Passes -quiet to xcodebuild command

deploymentTarget (string)

Deployment target for xcodepoj

orientationSupport (object)

Properties of the orientationSupport object:

phone (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

tab (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

teamID (string)

Apple teamID

excludedArchs (array)

Defines excluded architectures. This transforms to xcodeproj: EXCLUDED_ARCHS="<VAL VAL ...>"

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

urlScheme (string)

URL Scheme for the app used for deeplinking

teamIdentifier (string)

Apple developer team ID

scheme (string)

schemeTarget (string)

appleId (string)

provisioningStyle (string)

newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new archs for iOS. Default: false

codeSignIdentity (string)

Special property which tells Xcode how to build your project

commandLineArguments (array)

Allows you to pass launch arguments to active scheme

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

provisionProfileSpecifier (string)

provisionProfileSpecifiers (object)

allowProvisioningUpdates (boolean)

provisioningProfiles (object)

codeSignIdentities (object)

systemCapabilities (object)

entitlements (object)

runScheme (string)

sdk (string)

testFlightId (string)

firebaseId (string)

privacyManifests (object)

Properties of the privacyManifests object:

NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType (string, enum, required)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategorySystemBootTime
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryActiveKeyboards
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults
NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

exportOptions (object)

Properties of the exportOptions object:

method (string)
teamID (string)
uploadBitcode (boolean)
compileBitcode (boolean)
uploadSymbols (boolean)
signingStyle (string)
signingCertificate (string)
provisioningProfiles (object)

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateXcode (object)

Allows to configure xcode project

Properties of the templateXcode object:

Podfile (object)

Allows to manipulate Podfile

Properties of the Podfile object:

injectLines (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

post_install (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

sources (array)

Array of URLs that will be injected on top of the Podfile as sources

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

podDependencies (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

staticPods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

header (array)

Array of strings that will be injected on top of the Podfile

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project_pbxproj (object)

Properties of the project_pbxproj object:

sourceFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resourceFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

headerFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildPhases (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

shellPath (string, required)

shellScript (string, required)

inputPaths (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

frameworks (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildSettings (object)
AppDelegate_mm (object)

Properties of the AppDelegate_mm object:

appDelegateMethods (object)

Properties of the appDelegateMethods object:

application (object)

Properties of the application object:

didFinishLaunchingWithOptions (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

applicationDidBecomeActive (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

open (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceiveRemoteNotification (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceive (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didRegister (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

continue (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didConnectCarInterfaceController (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didDisconnectCarInterfaceController (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

userNotificationCenter (object)

Properties of the userNotificationCenter object:

willPresent (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceiveNotificationResponse (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

custom (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateImports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

AppDelegate_h (object)

Properties of the AppDelegate_h object:

appDelegateImports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateExtensions (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

Info_plist (object)

tizen (object)

Properties of the tizen object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
package (string)
certificateProfile (string)
appName (string)
timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)
environment (string)
webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

package (string)

certificateProfile (string)

appName (string)

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)

environment (string)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

tizenmobile (object)

Properties of the tizenmobile object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
package (string)
certificateProfile (string)
appName (string)
timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)
environment (string)
webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

package (string)

certificateProfile (string)

appName (string)

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)

environment (string)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

tizenwatch (object)

Properties of the tizenwatch object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
package (string)
certificateProfile (string)
appName (string)
timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)
environment (string)
webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

package (string)

certificateProfile (string)

appName (string)

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)

environment (string)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

webos (object)

Properties of the webos object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
iconColor (string)
timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)
environment (string)
webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

iconColor (string)

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)

environment (string)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

web (object)

Properties of the web object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

pagesDir (string)

Custom pages directory used by nextjs. Use relative paths

outputDir (string)

Custom output directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next build with custom outputDir. Use relative paths

exportDir (string)

Custom export directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next export --outdir <exportDir>. Use relative paths

nextTranspileModules (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)
environment (string)

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

pagesDir (string)

Custom pages directory used by nextjs. Use relative paths

outputDir (string)

Custom output directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next build with custom outputDir. Use relative paths

exportDir (string)

Custom export directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next export --outdir <exportDir>. Use relative paths

nextTranspileModules (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)

environment (string)

webtv (object)

Properties of the webtv object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

pagesDir (string)

Custom pages directory used by nextjs. Use relative paths

outputDir (string)

Custom output directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next build with custom outputDir. Use relative paths

exportDir (string)

Custom export directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next export --outdir <exportDir>. Use relative paths

nextTranspileModules (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)
environment (string)

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

pagesDir (string)

Custom pages directory used by nextjs. Use relative paths

outputDir (string)

Custom output directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next build with custom outputDir. Use relative paths

exportDir (string)

Custom export directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next export --outdir <exportDir>. Use relative paths

nextTranspileModules (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)

environment (string)

chromecast (object)

Properties of the chromecast object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

pagesDir (string)

Custom pages directory used by nextjs. Use relative paths

outputDir (string)

Custom output directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next build with custom outputDir. Use relative paths

exportDir (string)

Custom export directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next export --outdir <exportDir>. Use relative paths

nextTranspileModules (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)
environment (string)

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

pagesDir (string)

Custom pages directory used by nextjs. Use relative paths

outputDir (string)

Custom output directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next build with custom outputDir. Use relative paths

exportDir (string)

Custom export directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next export --outdir <exportDir>. Use relative paths

nextTranspileModules (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)

environment (string)

kaios (object)

Properties of the kaios object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

pagesDir (string)

Custom pages directory used by nextjs. Use relative paths

outputDir (string)

Custom output directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next build with custom outputDir. Use relative paths

exportDir (string)

Custom export directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next export --outdir <exportDir>. Use relative paths

nextTranspileModules (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)
environment (string)

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

pagesDir (string)

Custom pages directory used by nextjs. Use relative paths

outputDir (string)

Custom output directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next build with custom outputDir. Use relative paths

exportDir (string)

Custom export directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next export --outdir <exportDir>. Use relative paths

nextTranspileModules (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)

environment (string)

macos (object)

Properties of the macos object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
ignoreWarnings (boolean)

Injects inhibit_all_warnings into Podfile

ignoreLogs (boolean)

Passes -quiet to xcodebuild command

deploymentTarget (string)

Deployment target for xcodepoj

orientationSupport (object)

Properties of the orientationSupport object:

phone (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

tab (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

teamID (string)

Apple teamID

excludedArchs (array)

Defines excluded architectures. This transforms to xcodeproj: EXCLUDED_ARCHS="<VAL VAL ...>"

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

urlScheme (string)

URL Scheme for the app used for deeplinking

teamIdentifier (string)

Apple developer team ID

scheme (string)
schemeTarget (string)
appleId (string)
provisioningStyle (string)
newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new archs for iOS. Default: false

codeSignIdentity (string)

Special property which tells Xcode how to build your project

commandLineArguments (array)

Allows you to pass launch arguments to active scheme

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

provisionProfileSpecifier (string)
provisionProfileSpecifiers (object)
allowProvisioningUpdates (boolean)
provisioningProfiles (object)
codeSignIdentities (object)
systemCapabilities (object)
entitlements (object)
runScheme (string)
sdk (string)
testFlightId (string)
firebaseId (string)
privacyManifests (object)

Properties of the privacyManifests object:

NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType (string, enum, required)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategorySystemBootTime
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryActiveKeyboards
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults

NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

exportOptions (object)

Properties of the exportOptions object:

method (string)
teamID (string)
uploadBitcode (boolean)
compileBitcode (boolean)
uploadSymbols (boolean)
signingStyle (string)
signingCertificate (string)
provisioningProfiles (object)
reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateXcode (object)

Allows to configure xcode project

Properties of the templateXcode object:

Podfile (object)

Allows to manipulate Podfile

Properties of the Podfile object:

injectLines (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

post_install (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

sources (array)

Array of URLs that will be injected on top of the Podfile as sources

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

podDependencies (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

staticPods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

header (array)

Array of strings that will be injected on top of the Podfile

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project_pbxproj (object)

Properties of the project_pbxproj object:

sourceFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resourceFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

headerFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildPhases (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

shellPath (string, required)

shellScript (string, required)

inputPaths (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

frameworks (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildSettings (object)

AppDelegate_mm (object)

Properties of the AppDelegate_mm object:

appDelegateMethods (object)

Properties of the appDelegateMethods object:

application (object)

Properties of the application object:

didFinishLaunchingWithOptions (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

applicationDidBecomeActive (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

open (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceiveRemoteNotification (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceive (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didRegister (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

continue (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didConnectCarInterfaceController (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didDisconnectCarInterfaceController (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

userNotificationCenter (object)

Properties of the userNotificationCenter object:

willPresent (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceiveNotificationResponse (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

custom (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateImports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

AppDelegate_h (object)

Properties of the AppDelegate_h object:

appDelegateImports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateExtensions (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

Info_plist (object)

Allows you to configure electron app as per

BrowserWindow (object)

Allows you to configure electron wrapper app window

Properties of the BrowserWindow object:

width (number)
height (number)
webPreferences (object)

Extra web preferences of electron app

Properties of the webPreferences object:

devTools (boolean, required)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

ignoreWarnings (boolean)

Injects inhibit_all_warnings into Podfile

ignoreLogs (boolean)

Passes -quiet to xcodebuild command

deploymentTarget (string)

Deployment target for xcodepoj

orientationSupport (object)

Properties of the orientationSupport object:

phone (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

tab (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

teamID (string)

Apple teamID

excludedArchs (array)

Defines excluded architectures. This transforms to xcodeproj: EXCLUDED_ARCHS="<VAL VAL ...>"

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

urlScheme (string)

URL Scheme for the app used for deeplinking

teamIdentifier (string)

Apple developer team ID

scheme (string)

schemeTarget (string)

appleId (string)

provisioningStyle (string)

newArchEnabled (boolean)

Enables new archs for iOS. Default: false

codeSignIdentity (string)

Special property which tells Xcode how to build your project

commandLineArguments (array)

Allows you to pass launch arguments to active scheme

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

provisionProfileSpecifier (string)

provisionProfileSpecifiers (object)

allowProvisioningUpdates (boolean)

provisioningProfiles (object)

codeSignIdentities (object)

systemCapabilities (object)

entitlements (object)

runScheme (string)

sdk (string)

testFlightId (string)

firebaseId (string)

privacyManifests (object)

Properties of the privacyManifests object:

NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType (string, enum, required)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategorySystemBootTime
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryActiveKeyboards
  • NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults
NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

exportOptions (object)

Properties of the exportOptions object:

method (string)
teamID (string)
uploadBitcode (boolean)
compileBitcode (boolean)
uploadSymbols (boolean)
signingStyle (string)
signingCertificate (string)
provisioningProfiles (object)

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateXcode (object)

Allows to configure xcode project

Properties of the templateXcode object:

Podfile (object)

Allows to manipulate Podfile

Properties of the Podfile object:

injectLines (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

post_install (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

sources (array)

Array of URLs that will be injected on top of the Podfile as sources

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

podDependencies (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

staticPods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

header (array)

Array of strings that will be injected on top of the Podfile

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

project_pbxproj (object)

Properties of the project_pbxproj object:

sourceFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

resourceFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

headerFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildPhases (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type object.

The array object has the following properties:

shellPath (string, required)

shellScript (string, required)

inputPaths (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

frameworks (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

buildSettings (object)
AppDelegate_mm (object)

Properties of the AppDelegate_mm object:

appDelegateMethods (object)

Properties of the appDelegateMethods object:

application (object)

Properties of the application object:

didFinishLaunchingWithOptions (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

applicationDidBecomeActive (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

open (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceiveRemoteNotification (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceive (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didRegister (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

continue (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didConnectCarInterfaceController (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didDisconnectCarInterfaceController (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

userNotificationCenter (object)

Properties of the userNotificationCenter object:

willPresent (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

didReceiveNotificationResponse (array)

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

order (number, required)

value (string, required)

weight (number, required)

custom (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateImports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

AppDelegate_h (object)

Properties of the AppDelegate_h object:

appDelegateImports (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateExtensions (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

appDelegateMethods (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

Info_plist (object)


Allows you to configure electron app as per

BrowserWindow (object)

Allows you to configure electron wrapper app window

Properties of the BrowserWindow object:

width (number)
height (number)
webPreferences (object)

Extra web preferences of electron app

Properties of the webPreferences object:

devTools (boolean, required)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

linux (object)

Properties of the linux object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)
webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

pagesDir (string)

Custom pages directory used by nextjs. Use relative paths

outputDir (string)

Custom output directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next build with custom outputDir. Use relative paths

exportDir (string)

Custom export directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next export --outdir <exportDir>. Use relative paths

nextTranspileModules (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)
environment (string)

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

pagesDir (string)

Custom pages directory used by nextjs. Use relative paths

outputDir (string)

Custom output directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next build with custom outputDir. Use relative paths

exportDir (string)

Custom export directory used by nextjs equivalent to npx next export --outdir <exportDir>. Use relative paths

nextTranspileModules (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

timestampBuildFiles (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

devServerHost (string)

environment (string)

windows (object)

Properties of the windows object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

Allows you to configure electron app as per

BrowserWindow (object)

Allows you to configure electron wrapper app window

Properties of the BrowserWindow object:

width (number)
height (number)
webPreferences (object)

Extra web preferences of electron app

Properties of the webPreferences object:

devTools (boolean, required)

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateVSProject (object)

Properties of the templateVSProject object:

language (string)

Specify generated project language: cpp for C++ or cs for C#

arch (string)

Specification of targeted architecture

experimentalNuGetDependency (boolean)
useWinUI3 (boolean)
nuGetTestVersion (string)
reactNativeEngine (string)
nuGetTestFeed (string)
overwrite (boolean)

Whether to attempt to override the existing builds files when running a build once more

release (boolean)

Enables full packaging of the app for release

root (string)

Project root folder location (not the app itself, which is in platformBuilds)

singleproc (boolean)

Opt out of multi-proc builds (only available in 0.64 and newer versions of react-native-windows)

emulator (boolean)
device (boolean)
target (string)
remoteDebugging (boolean)
logging (boolean)

Logging all the build proccesses to console

packager (boolean)
bundle (boolean)
launch (boolean)

Launches the application once the build process is finished

Launches the application once the build process is finished

build (boolean)

Builds the application before launching it

sln (string)

Location of Visual Studio solution .sln file (wraps multiple projects)

proj (string)

Root project directory for your React Native Windows project (not Visual Studio project)

appPath (string)

Full path to windows plaform build directory

msbuildprops (string)

Comma separated props to pass to msbuild, eg: prop1=value1,prop2=value2

buildLogDirectory (string)

Full path to directory where builds logs should be stored, default - project path

info (boolean)

Print information about the build machine to console

directDebugging (boolean)
telemetry (boolean)

Send analytics data of @react-native-windows/cli usage to Microsoft

devPort (string)
additionalMetroOptions (object)
packageExtension (string)
webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)


Allows you to configure electron app as per

BrowserWindow (object)

Allows you to configure electron wrapper app window

Properties of the BrowserWindow object:

width (number)
height (number)
webPreferences (object)

Extra web preferences of electron app

Properties of the webPreferences object:

devTools (boolean, required)

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateVSProject (object)

Properties of the templateVSProject object:

language (string)

Specify generated project language: cpp for C++ or cs for C#

arch (string)

Specification of targeted architecture

experimentalNuGetDependency (boolean)
useWinUI3 (boolean)
nuGetTestVersion (string)
reactNativeEngine (string)
nuGetTestFeed (string)
overwrite (boolean)

Whether to attempt to override the existing builds files when running a build once more

release (boolean)

Enables full packaging of the app for release

root (string)

Project root folder location (not the app itself, which is in platformBuilds)

singleproc (boolean)

Opt out of multi-proc builds (only available in 0.64 and newer versions of react-native-windows)

emulator (boolean)
device (boolean)
target (string)
remoteDebugging (boolean)
logging (boolean)

Logging all the build proccesses to console

packager (boolean)
bundle (boolean)
launch (boolean)

Launches the application once the build process is finished

Launches the application once the build process is finished

build (boolean)

Builds the application before launching it

sln (string)

Location of Visual Studio solution .sln file (wraps multiple projects)

proj (string)

Root project directory for your React Native Windows project (not Visual Studio project)

appPath (string)

Full path to windows plaform build directory

msbuildprops (string)

Comma separated props to pass to msbuild, eg: prop1=value1,prop2=value2

buildLogDirectory (string)

Full path to directory where builds logs should be stored, default - project path

info (boolean)

Print information about the build machine to console

directDebugging (boolean)
telemetry (boolean)

Send analytics data of @react-native-windows/cli usage to Microsoft

devPort (string)
additionalMetroOptions (object)
packageExtension (string)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

xbox (object)

Properties of the xbox object:

buildSchemes (object)

Properties of the buildSchemes object:

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)
version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)
title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#
splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox
assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)

Allows you to configure electron app as per

BrowserWindow (object)

Allows you to configure electron wrapper app window

Properties of the BrowserWindow object:

width (number)
height (number)
webPreferences (object)

Extra web preferences of electron app

Properties of the webPreferences object:

devTools (boolean, required)

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateVSProject (object)

Properties of the templateVSProject object:

language (string)

Specify generated project language: cpp for C++ or cs for C#

arch (string)

Specification of targeted architecture

experimentalNuGetDependency (boolean)
useWinUI3 (boolean)
nuGetTestVersion (string)
reactNativeEngine (string)
nuGetTestFeed (string)
overwrite (boolean)

Whether to attempt to override the existing builds files when running a build once more

release (boolean)

Enables full packaging of the app for release

root (string)

Project root folder location (not the app itself, which is in platformBuilds)

singleproc (boolean)

Opt out of multi-proc builds (only available in 0.64 and newer versions of react-native-windows)

emulator (boolean)
device (boolean)
target (string)
remoteDebugging (boolean)
logging (boolean)

Logging all the build proccesses to console

packager (boolean)
bundle (boolean)
launch (boolean)

Launches the application once the build process is finished

Launches the application once the build process is finished

build (boolean)

Builds the application before launching it

sln (string)

Location of Visual Studio solution .sln file (wraps multiple projects)

proj (string)

Root project directory for your React Native Windows project (not Visual Studio project)

appPath (string)

Full path to windows plaform build directory

msbuildprops (string)

Comma separated props to pass to msbuild, eg: prop1=value1,prop2=value2

buildLogDirectory (string)

Full path to directory where builds logs should be stored, default - project path

info (boolean)

Print information about the build machine to console

directDebugging (boolean)
telemetry (boolean)

Send analytics data of @react-native-windows/cli usage to Microsoft

devPort (string)
additionalMetroOptions (object)
packageExtension (string)
webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPermissions (array)

Allows you to include specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPermissions (array)

Allows you to exclude specific permissions by their KEY defined in permissions object. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

id (string)

Bundle ID of application. ie: com.example.myapp

idSuffix (string)

version (string)

Semver style version of your app

versionCode (string)

Manual verride of generated version code

versionFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune app version defined in package.json or renative.json. If you do not define versionFormat, no formatting will apply to version.

versionCodeFormat (string)

Allows you to fine-tune auto generated version codes. Version code is autogenerated from app version defined in package.json or renative.json.

versionCodeOffset (number)

title (string)

Title of your app will be used to create title of the binary. ie App title of installed app iOS/Android app or Tab title of the website

description (string)

General description of your app. This prop will be injected to actual projects where description field is applicable

author (string)

Author name

license (string)

Injects license information into app

includedFonts (array)

Array of fonts you want to include in specific app or scheme. Should use exact font file (without the extension) located in ./appConfigs/base/fonts or * to mark all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

backgroundColor (string)

Defines root view backgroundColor for all platforms in HEX format


  • Regex pattern: ^#

splashScreen (boolean)

Enable or disable splash screen

fontSources (array)

Array of paths to location of external Fonts. you can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(react-native-vector-icons)}}/Fonts

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

assetSources (array)

Array of paths to alternative external assets. this will take priority over ./appConfigs/base/assets folder on your local project. You can use resolve function here example: {{resolvePackage(@flexn/template-starter)}}/appConfigs/base/assets

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

includedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all included plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: includedPlugins is evaluated before excludedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to include all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPlugins (array)

Defines an array of all excluded plugins for specific config or buildScheme. only full keys as defined in plugin should be used.

NOTE: excludedPlugins is evaluated after includedPlugins. Use: ['*'] to exclude all

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.


This object will be automatically injected into ./platfromAssets/renative.runtime.json making it possible to inject the values directly to JS source code


Object used to extend your renative with custom props. This allows renative json schema to be validated

extendPlatform (string, enum)

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • web
  • ios
  • android
  • androidtv
  • firetv
  • tvos
  • macos
  • linux
  • windows
  • tizen
  • webos
  • chromecast
  • kaios
  • webtv
  • androidwear
  • tizenwatch
  • tizenmobile
  • xbox

assetFolderPlatform (string)

Alternative platform assets. This is useful for example when you want to use same android assets in androidtv and want to avoid duplicating assets

engine (string)

ID of engine to be used for this platform. Note: engine must be registered in engines field

entryFile (string)

Alternative name of the entry file without .js extension

Default: "index"

bundleAssets (boolean)

If set to true compiled js bundle file will generated. this is needed if you want to make production like builds

enableSourceMaps (boolean)

If set to true dedicated source map file will be generated alongside of compiled js bundle

bundleIsDev (boolean)

If set to true debug build will be generated

getJsBundleFile (string)


Allows you to configure electron app as per

BrowserWindow (object)

Allows you to configure electron wrapper app window

Properties of the BrowserWindow object:

width (number)
height (number)
webPreferences (object)

Extra web preferences of electron app

Properties of the webPreferences object:

devTools (boolean, required)

reactNativeEngine (string, enum)

Allows you to define specific native render engine to be used

This element must be one of the following enum values:

  • jsc
  • v8-android
  • v8-android-nointl
  • v8-android-jit
  • v8-android-jit-nointl
  • hermes

Default: "hermes"

templateVSProject (object)

Properties of the templateVSProject object:

language (string)

Specify generated project language: cpp for C++ or cs for C#

arch (string)

Specification of targeted architecture

experimentalNuGetDependency (boolean)
useWinUI3 (boolean)
nuGetTestVersion (string)
reactNativeEngine (string)
nuGetTestFeed (string)
overwrite (boolean)

Whether to attempt to override the existing builds files when running a build once more

release (boolean)

Enables full packaging of the app for release

root (string)

Project root folder location (not the app itself, which is in platformBuilds)

singleproc (boolean)

Opt out of multi-proc builds (only available in 0.64 and newer versions of react-native-windows)

emulator (boolean)
device (boolean)
target (string)
remoteDebugging (boolean)
logging (boolean)

Logging all the build proccesses to console

packager (boolean)
bundle (boolean)
launch (boolean)

Launches the application once the build process is finished

Launches the application once the build process is finished

build (boolean)

Builds the application before launching it

sln (string)

Location of Visual Studio solution .sln file (wraps multiple projects)

proj (string)

Root project directory for your React Native Windows project (not Visual Studio project)

appPath (string)

Full path to windows plaform build directory

msbuildprops (string)

Comma separated props to pass to msbuild, eg: prop1=value1,prop2=value2

buildLogDirectory (string)

Full path to directory where builds logs should be stored, default - project path

info (boolean)

Print information about the build machine to console

directDebugging (boolean)
telemetry (boolean)

Send analytics data of @react-native-windows/cli usage to Microsoft

devPort (string)
additionalMetroOptions (object)
packageExtension (string)

webpackConfig (object)

Properties of the webpackConfig object:

publicUrl (string)
customScripts (array)

Allows you to inject custom script into html header

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

excludedPaths (array)

Allows to specify files or directories in the src folder that webpack should ignore when bundling code.

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

plugins (object)

Define all plugins available in your project. you can then use includedPlugins and excludedPlugins props to define active and inactive plugins per each app config

templateConfig (object)

Used in renative.template.json allows you to define template behaviour.

Properties of the templateConfig object:

name (string)

version (string)

disabled (boolean)

includedPaths (array)

Defines list of all file/dir paths you want to include in template

The elements of the array must match at least one of the following properties:



Properties of the object:

paths (array, required)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

engines (array)

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

platforms (array)

Array list of all supported platforms in current project

The object is an array with all elements of the type string.

renative_json (object)

Properties of the renative_json object:

$schema (string)

extendsTemplate (string)

package_json (object)

Properties of the package_json object:

dependencies (object)

devDependencies (object)

peerDependencies (object)

optionalDependencies (object)

name (string)

version (string)
